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Placenta Preparation


Placental encapsulation is the practice of eating placenta (placentophagy) after it has been steamed, dehydrated, ground, and placed into pills or another edible product. Traditionally, this is taken by the birthing parent and is believed to impart numerous health benefits. It is frequently taken shortly after giving birth, with the belief that it will help lessen some of the symptoms of postpartum.



What’s the hype around consuming your placenta?

Consuming your placenta is a way to slowly wean your body from the hormones it had come accustomed to during pregnancy instead of forcing your body to go “cold turkey” while in a very vulnerable state physically, mentally and emotionally.

Just like other mammals on earth, humans can also consume their placenta after birth to help balance their hormones which can lower the risk of postpartum depression. Luckily for us we don’t have to eat it fresh. Our Momager Placenta Practitioners can turn your placenta into a variety of delicious products as well as beautiful keepsakes.


Here are your options:


  • Flavored/Unflavored Capsules

  • Vegan Capsules

  • Tinctures

  • Truffles

  • Chocolates

  • Gummies

  • Smoothie cubes

  • Broth / Tea

  • Cooking Sauce

Keepsakes & Products

  • Cord Keepsake

  • Placenta Print

  • Placenta Casting

  • Placenta Hair & Body Oil

  • Placenta Salve

  • Placenta Jewelry

  • Placenta Essential Oil Rollers


The Momager Approach

After the birth, a Certified Placenta Encapsulation Specialist will pick up your placenta from your birthing location; or it can be shipped if you’re out of the local service area. It will be taken to a Momager lab where it is processed into your selected products.



Birthing parents who consume their placenta report experiencing increased milk supply, little to no “baby blues”, heightened bonding experience with baby, less postnatal bleeding, increased energy and more!


The Momager Co is not a pharmacy, pharmaceutical representative, holistic practitioner, herbalist, or medical doctor.